• Now enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year!

We are excited to have a featured article in the Dripping Springs City Lifestyle Magazine about Sunrise Christian Schoolhouse’s goal to nurture lifelong learners! Please click below to read the article in full.

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Welcome to Sunrise Christian Schoolhouse!

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3


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Cross Light

A Firm Foundation

Sunrise Christian Schoolhouse was founded to provide a nurturing, Christian environment for grammar aged students.

What is the Grammar stage and why do we only focus on this stage? The beginning years of structured education are called the “grammar stage.” These are the years in which the foundations for all subsequent learning are laid just as grammar is the foundation for language. At this stage, the mind is a sponge for knowledge. These early years are filled with the learning of facts and information- the building blocks for the second stage of education. At SCS, we believe all knowledge is interrelated providing students with an opportunity to see the beautiful overlaps in the world around them including language, history, science and arithmetic.  Our intentionally small class sizes and student/teacher ratios provide educational opportunities that focus on the whole child. We aim to equip students with a well rounded understanding of academics enriched by spiritual truths. Our student to teacher ratio allows for intentionality in one-on-one instruction, hands-on learning, encouragement and engagement for all students. Our curriculum is built on critical thinking and classic teachings. Our teachers are highly passionate educators who love Jesus, love children and have a desire to foster a community of learning. Their focus is to provide a quality education that will help  your students thrive.

By providing an alternative educational option for families in Dripping Springs and surrounding areas, we hope to connect Christian families to one another, forming a community of like-minded parents and students dedicated to a Christian education.

Reach Out

For more information or to learn more about what classes we offer, our teaching style, or our educators, contact us today. We live in a world where faith and virtue are more important than ever before. We want to help create a generation of students who know and live by the word of God and are ready and willing to make a difference in the lives of others.

Contact us today to find out more or set up a visit to learn more about our school!


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